IISFM Web API Help Page

Offtake Position by Revenue

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue States, Commodities and for all Scheme Groups between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue State, Commodity and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/CGID/{CompId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue States, for a Commodity and for all Scheme Groups between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Commodity ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue State and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue States, Commodity and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue State.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue States, for all Commodities and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Scheme Group ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue State and Commodity.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Districts, Commodities and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue District, Commodity and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/CGID/{CompId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Districts, for a Commodity and for all Scheme Groups between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID, Commodity ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue District and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Districts, for a Commodity and for all Scheme Groups between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State Code and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/01/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue State, Commodity and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Districts, for a Commodity and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID,Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual Revenue District.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/{RdId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue depots, for all Commodities and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID, Revenue District ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20/354. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual FCI Depot, Commodity and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/{RdId}/CGID/{CompId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Depots, for a particular Commodity and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID, Revenue District ID, Commodity ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20/354/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual FCI Depot and Scheme Group.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/{RdId}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all Revenue Depots, for a particular Commodity and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID, Revenue District ID, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20/354/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual FCI Depot.

GET RvOfftake/{Sdate}/{EDate}/{RsId}/{RdId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch Offtake position for all FCI depots, for all Commodities and for a Scheme Group between two dates. Parameters passed are Start date, Revenue State ID, Revenue District ID, Scheme Group ID and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RvOfftake/20120101/20120201/20/354/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Individual FCI depot and Commodity.

Capacity Utilization Revenue Wise

GET Utilization/{Date}

API to fetch Open Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Stock and Covered Stock for All Revenue States at National Level. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Utilization/20120101. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. Parameter passed is Date. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue State.

GET Utilization/{Date}/{RSCode}

API to fetch Open Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Stock and Covered Stock for All Revenue Districts. E.G. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Utilization/20120101/02. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. Parameter passed are Date and Revenue State Code. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue District.

GET Utilization/{Date}/{RSCode}/{RDCode}

API to fetch Open Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Stock and Covered Stock for All Depots. E.G. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Utilization/20120101/02/024. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. Parameter passed are Date, Revenue State Code and Revenue District Code. The output can be drilled down upto individual Depots.

Stock Position by Revenue

GET RStock/{TDate}

API to fetch Stock Postion for All Revenue States and for All Commodities at National Level. Parameter passed is Transaction Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue State and Commodity.

GET RStock/{TDate}/{CompId}

API to fetch Stock Postion for All Revenue States and for a particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Transaction Date and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue State.

GET RStock/{TDate}/RS/{RsId}

API to fetch Stock Postion All Revenue Districts under a particular Revenue State and for All Commodities. Parameters passed are Transaction Date and Revenue State ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101/RS/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue District and Commodity.

GET RStock/{TDate}/RS/{RsId}/{CompId}

API to fetch Stock Postion for All Revenue Districts under a particular Revenue State and for a particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Transaction Date, Revenue State Id and Commodity Id. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101/RS/01/02. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Revenue District.

GET RStock/{TDate}/RS/{RsId}/{RdId}

API to fetch Stock Postion for All Depots under a particular Revenue District and for All Commodities. Parameters passed are Transaction Date, Revenue State ID and Revenue District ID. /// e.g. http://www.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101/RsId/01/012/Depots Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Depot and Commodity.

GET RStock/{TDate}/RS/{RsId}/{RdId}/{CompId}

API to fetch Stock Postion for All Depots under a particular Revenue District and for a particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Transaction Date, Revenue State ID, Revenue District ID and Commodity ID. /// e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/RStock/20120101/RS/01/012/01 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Depot.

FCI Data For CFPP Dashboard

GET FCIProcurementData/{username}/{password}

API to fetch State wise procurement data. E.G. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/FCIProcurementData/username/password Parameters passed are username and password.

Offtake against Schemes

API to fetch the scheme-wise offtake between any 2 dates, for a particular commodity.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}

API for All Zones, All Commodities, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date and End Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone, Commodity and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/CGID/{CompId}

API to fetch All Zones, particular Commodity, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch All Zones, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.<br /> The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/SGID/{SgId}

API to fetch All Zones, All Commodities, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone, Scheme and Commodity.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/SGID/{SgId}/CGID/{CompId}

API to fetch All Zones, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/SGID/01/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{ZCode}

API to fetch particular Zone, All Commodities, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and Zone Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/E. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Region under selected Zone, Commodity and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{ZCode}/CGID/{CompId}

API for particular Zone, particular Commodity, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Zone Code and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/E/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Region under selected Zone and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{ZCode}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API for particular Zone, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Zone Code, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/E/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto Region under selected Zone and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{ZCode}/SGID/{SgId}

API for particular Zone, All Commodities, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Zone Code and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/E/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Region, Scheme and Commodity.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{ZCode}/SGID/{SgId}/CGID/{CompId}

API for particular Zones, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Zone Code, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/E/SGID/01/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Region and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{RCode}

API for All Region, All Commodities, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and Region Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District, Commodity and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{RCode}/CGID/{CompId}

API for All Districts, particular Commodity, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Region Code and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{RCode}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API for All Districts particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Region Code, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual District and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{RCode}/SGID/{SgId}

API for All Districts, All Commodities, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone, Scheme and Commodity.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{RCode}/SGID/{SgId}/CGID/{CompId}

API for All Districts, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, Region Code, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC/SGID/01/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual District and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{Dcode}

API for particular District, All Commodities, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date and FCI District Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC21. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District, Commodity and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{Dcode}/CGID/{CompId}

API for particular District, particular Commodity, All Scheme Groups. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, FCI District Code and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI district and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{Dcode}/CGID/{CompId}/SGID/{SgId}

API for particular District, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, District Code, Commodity ID and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC21/CGID/01/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual District and Scheme.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{Dcode}/SGID/{SgId}

API for particular District, All Commodities, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, FCI District Code and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC21/SGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District, Scheme and Commodity.

GET Offtake/{Sdate}/{Edate}/{Dcode}/SGID/{SgId}/CGID/{CompId}

API for particular District, particular Commodity, particular Scheme Group. Parameters passed are Start Date, End Date, FCI District Code, Commodity Id and Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Offtake/20100101/20100801/EC21/SGID/01/CGID/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District and Scheme.

Depot authentication for GIS

POST Authenticate/Validate/{DCode}/{pwd}

API to Authenticate Depot. Parameters passed Depot Code and Depot Password. e.g. api.iisfm.nic.in/Authenticate/Validate/EC21003/****** Return Depot Code and Depot Name if authentication successfull.

Store GIS details of Depot

POST UpdateApi/Data/{DpCode}/{pswd}/{Longitude}/{Latitude}

API to Store Address of the depot. Parameters passed Depot Code, Depot Password, Longitude and Latitude. e.g. api.iisfm.nic.in/UpdateApi/Data/EC21003/****/10.4/10.5

Revenue States and Revenue Districts

GET Revenues

API to Fetch All Revenue States at All India level along with Revenue State Code and Name. Parameters passed none. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Revenues

GET Revenues/{Code}

API to Fetch Revenue State Name and Code for a particular Revenue State. Parameters passed is Revenue State Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Revenues/02

GET Revenues/{Code}/{RvnDist}

API to Fetch All Revenue Districts along with Revenue District Name and Code, under a perticular Revenue State. Parameter passed is Revenue State Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Revenues/02/RvnDist

GET Revenues/{Code}/{RvnDist}/{DistCode}

API to Fetch particular Revenue District along with Revenue District Name and Code. Parameter passed is Revenue State Code and RevenuDistrict Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Revenues/02/RvnDist/010

Capacity Utilization

API to Capacity Utilization

GET CapUtilApi/Util/{Date}/{Zcode}/{Rcode}/{Dcode}/{Dpcode}/{StgType}

API to fetch stock position, capacity and capacity utilization for a particular Zone, Region and FCI District at National Lavel. Parameters passed are Date, Zone Code, Region Code FCI District Code, Depot Code and Storage Type. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/CapUtilApi/Util/20120101/E/EC/EC21/EC21003/0 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. Storage Type=0,1,2,3.

Issue, Dispatch, Gain and Loss between two dates

GET StockBwnDates/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}/{DpCode}

API to fetch Issue, Dispatch, Gain, Loss for a particular FCI District and Commodity between two dates.Parameter passed is From Date, To Date, Commodity ID, Depot Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/StockBwnDates/20120101/20120201/01/EC21001. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET StockBwnDates/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}/{DCode}

API to fetch Issue, Dispatch, Gain, Loss for a particular FCI District and Commodity between two dates.Parameter passed is From Date, To Date, Commodity ID, FCI District Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/StockBwnDates/20120101/20120201/01/EC21. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET StockBwnDates/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}/{RoCode}

API to fetch Issue, Dispatch, Gain, Loss for a particular Region and Commodity between two dates.Parameter passed is From Date, To Date, Commodity ID, Ro Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/StockBwnDates/20120101/20120201/01/EC. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET StockBwnDates/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}/{ZCode}

API to fetch Issue, Dispatch, Gain, Loss for a particular Zone and Commodity between two dates.Parameter passed is From Date, To Date, Commodity ID, Zone Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/StockBwnDates/20120101/20120201/01/E. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET StockBwnDates/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}

API to fetch Issue, Dispatch, Gain, Loss at National level and Commodity between two dates.Parameter passed is From Date, To Date, Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/StockBwnDates/20120101/20120201/01. Date Format is yyyyMMdd.


GET IssueStock/{FDate}/{TDate}/{DpCode}/{CompId}/{SgId}

API to fetch Issue stock for a particular Depot, Commodity and Scheme Group for every date. Parameter passed are From Date, To Date, Depot Code, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IssueStock/20100701/20111201/EC21001/01/01 Date Formate: Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET IssueStock/{FDate}/{TDate}/{DCode}/{CompId}/{SgId}

API to fetch Issue stock for a particular FCI District, Commodity and Scheme Group for every date. Parameter passed are From Date, To Date, District Code, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IssueStock/20100701/20111201/EC21/01/01 Date Formate: Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET IssueStock/{FDate}/{TDate}/{RoCode}/{CompId}/{SgId}

API to fetch Issue stock for a particular Region, Commodity and Scheme Group for every date. Parameter passed are From Date, To Date, Region Code, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IssueStock/20100701/20111201/EC/01/01 Date Formate: Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET IssueStock/{FDate}/{TDate}/{ZCode}/{CompId}/{SgId}

API to fetch Issue stock for a particular Zone, Commodity and Scheme Group for every date. Parameter passed are From Date, To Date, Zone Code, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IssueStock/20100701/20111201/E/01/01 Date Formate: Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

GET IssueStock/{FDate}/{TDate}/{CompId}/{SgId}

API to fetch Issue stock for a particular Zone, Commodity and Scheme Group for every date. Parameter passed are From Date, To Date, Commodity ID, Scheme Group ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IssueStock/20100701/20111201/01/01 Date Formate: Date Format is yyyyMMdd.

Stock Position

APIs to fetch Stock Position.

GET Stock/{Date}

API to fetch All Zones, All Commodities. Parameter passed is Date. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone and Commodity.

GET Stock/{Date}/{CompId}

API to fetch All Zones, particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Date and Commodity ID e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/01 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Zone.

GET Stock/{Date}/{ZCode}

API to fetch All Regions and All Commodities. Parameters passed are Date and Zone Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/E Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Region and Commodity.

GET Stock/{Date}/{ZCode}/{CompId}

API to fetch All Regions, particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Date, Zone Code and Commodity. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/E/01 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Region.

GET Stock/{Date}/{Rcode}

API to fetch All Districts and All Commodities. Parameters passed are Date and Region Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/EC Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual FCI District and Commodity.

GET Stock/{Date}/{Rcode}/{CompId}

API to fetch All Districts, for a particular Commodity. Parameters passed are Date, Region Code and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/EC/01 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual District.

GET Stock/{Date}/{Dcode}

API to fetch particular Districts, All Commodities. Parameters passed are Date and District Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/EC21 Date Format is yyyyMMdd. The output can be drilled down upto individual Commodity.

GET Stock/{Date}/{Dcode}/{CompId}

API to fetch particular Districts, particular Commodities. Parameters passed are Date, District Code and Commodity ID. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Stock/20120101/EC21/01 Date Format is yyyyMMdd.


API to get all depots under FCI District or Regions at National Lavel.

GET DepotsWithCap

API to fetch List of Depots at National level along with Capacity. API provides list of Depots along with the Depot Code, Depot Name, Total Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Capacity, Revenue State and Revenue District. Parameter passed is none. i.e. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/DepotsWithCap.

GET DepotsWithCap/{RvnStateCode}

API to fetch list of Depots under a particular Revenue State. API provides list of Depots along with the Depot Code, Depot Name, Total Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Capacity, Revenue State and Revenue District. Parameter passed is Revenue State Code. i.e. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/DepotsWithCap/04.

GET DepotsWithCap/{RvnDistCode}

API to fetch list of Depots under a particular Revenue District. API provides list of Depots along with the Depot Code, Depot Name, Total Capacity, Covered Capacity, Open Capacity, Revenue State and Revenue District. Parameter passed is Revenue State Code. i.e. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/DepotsWithCap/043.

GET api/Depots

Fetches all FCI depots across the country along with Depot Code and Depot Name. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/api/Depots

GET api/Depots?RCode={RCode}

Fetches all FCI depots under a particular Region along with Depot Code and Depot Name. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/api/Depots?RCode=EC

GET api/Depots?RCode={RCode}&DCode={DCode}

No documentation available.

GET api/Depots/{RCode}

Fetches all FCI depots under a particular Region along with Depot Code and Depot Name. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/api/Depots?RCode=EC

GET api/Depots/{RCode}/{DCode}

No documentation available.

FCI to Revenue Mapping

GET Mapping/{ZCode}

API to fetch List of Revenue States mapped under a particular FCI Zone. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Mapping/E The out put can be drilled down upto individual Revenue State. Parameter passed is FCI Zone Code.

GET Mapping/{RCode}

API to fetch List of Revenue States under a particular FCI Region. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Mapping/EC The out put can be drilled down upto individual Revenue State. Parameter passed is FCI Region Code.

GET Mapping/{DCode}

API to fetch List of Revenue Districts for a particular FCI District. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Mapping/EC12 The out put can be drilled down upto individual Revenue District. Parameter passed is FCI District Code.

GET Mapping

API to fetch mapping between FCI and Revenue. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Mapping The out put can be drilled down upto individual Zone, Region, Revenue State, FCI District, Revenue District and Depot.


GET IRRSWarehousesData/{username}/{password}

API to fetch IRRS warehouse data. E.G. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IRRSWarehousesData/username/password Parameters passed are username and password.

GET IRRSStockData/{username}/{password}

API to fetch IRRS stock data. E.G. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/IRRSStockData/username/password Parameters passed are username and password.

Scheme Groups and Schemes

GET SchemeNGroup

API to fetch List Of Scheme Groups along with Name and ID in Schemes Master table. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/SchemeNGroup.

GET SchemeNGroup/{SgId}

API to fetch list of schemes under a particular scheme group along with Name and Id. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/SchemeNGroup/01.



No documentation available.


API to get all FCI Districts or FCI Districts under a perticular Region.

GET api/Districts

Fetches all FCI Districts across the country along with FCI District Name and FCI District Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Distapi/Districts

GET api/Districts?RCode={RCode}

Fetches FCI Districts of a particular Region. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Distapi/Districts/EC

GET Distapi/Districts

Fetches all FCI Districts across the country along with FCI District Name and FCI District Code. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Distapi/Districts

GET Distapi/Districts/{RCode}

Fetches FCI Districts of a particular Region. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Distapi/Districts/EC



No documentation available.


POST api/IRRSStoks

No documentation available.

CommodityWise, scheme group wise, scheme wise, crop year wise offtake position in '000 tons

POST api/Offtake

No documentation available.


POST api/CapacityUtilization

No documentation available.

Inflow Outflow Records Depot wise Commodity wise and crop year wise


No documentation available.

Capacity And Stock As On Date

POST api/CapStockAsOnDate

No documentation available.


POST api/irrsstock

No documentation available.



No documentation available.

Central Pool Inventory Stock Position


No documentation available.



No documentation available.

Capacity,Stock and Utilization

POST api/CapUtilStock

No documentation available.


Fetches all Commodities from Commodity Master along with Commodity ID and Name.

GET api/Commodities

API to fetch list of commodities along with Commodity ID at National Level. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Comapi/Commodities

GET Comapi/Commodities

API to fetch list of commodities along with Commodity ID at National Level. e.g. http://api.iisfm.nic.in/Comapi/Commodities


POST api/DIISFMLifting

No documentation available.

Capacity As On Date

POST api/DepotCap

No documentation available.

Capacity And Stock As On Last Entry Date

POST api/CapStockOnLastDate

No documentation available.

Commodity Wise Offtake Position in '000 tons


No documentation available.